Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Code of friendship

OK so I haven't tried out EVERY game in the Wii library or DS library, but all those that I have have this thing that irks the living SNOT out of me. Friend codes. What the hell's up with that? Does Nintendo want you NOT to have friends? Why are they so anal about the way you interact with others?

As far as i've seen you have 2 options. You play with a perfect stranger in a way you can barely interact (so how do you know it's not an AI bot?). Or, you beg an actual acquaintance to BUY the game you play, log in at the same time with you and go through the tedious friend-code swapping process only to play a match that also limits interaction.

This is some heavy BS, I'm telling you. Of all the DS games I had I was never able to hook up with anyone, and after a couple of weeks of begging I got a co-worker to respond to my friend invite last night, maybe later this week we can call each other to carefully arrange a couple of MarioKart races.

I understand Nintendo may be worried about some pedophile asking kids for their addresses between SuperSmashBrosBrawl fights (yeah, that mii with a penis for a face), but isn't that why the Wii has parental controls?

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