Sunday, June 1, 2008

Rune Factory: the dangers of farm life

I have sustained a farming injury that will most probably adversely affect my gaming routine. The purpose of this post is to warn prospective farmers of the dangers of Rune Factory. The world of Rune Factory is a dangerous world indeed… OK, before I confuse you further this is about an actual injury I sustained while playing the game.

I have been playing this game whenever I have a chance for the last two weeks. The first thing that I disliked about this game I dislike about many Nintendo DS games, and it is how they make you switch between stylus and gamepad controls constantly. A good DS games plays entirely with either, or at least a comfortable combination. Adding to this is the fact that in order for the character to run, one must hold the L button, which is fairly inaccessible on the DS Lite because one cannot press it from the side but has to instead reach around with the tip of the finger and press straight down. Why is this, I wonder? If there is no real use for walking slowly in this game unless when certain precision is wanted for farming, why not make WALKING optional? AH! How much comfortable (and safe) my life would be if I had to hold that blasted button only when I wanted to slow down!

Well, the result is my right hand to be in a constant pain not unlike that you feel when you suffer after excessive typing. My farming days are over… for a few days at least.