Monday, April 14, 2008

My Wiilemma

I got my tax refund a couple days ago, and decided I’d spend some of it in gaming stuff. I set apart a $100 budget for such things. It was a late Saturday night and the only place open for business was a nearby Wal-Mart. There I went intent on buying assorted accessories to further pimp out my Nintendo DS.

Ah, imagine my surprise when my beloved spouse stumbled upon an unattended Wii entertainment system! I inspected it carefully to assure it wasn't a decoy, and then posted a guard to watch the console while I went for help from a store associate.

Have you ever wondered why the heck don't they manufacture more of those blasted Wii things?! The demand is evident; why not meet it with an increased production ratio? Why not keep shelves stocked with these fabulous white boxes of joy? I had to put it on lay-away, simply because I wasn't able to afford it at the moment. But I surely wanted to secure it before some clueless lady buys it for her undeserving child! It was then when I realized Nintendo's clever marketing campaign! You see, by keeping the supply limited, people feel more compelled to buy!

Visualize these scenarios:

  • You walk into the store and there's a stack of Playstation-3s there. You say to yourself: "Ah! The third station of play! I must have it! I desire it so that I don't care if it is, as its name implies, a Playstation upgraded with better graphics but no innovation!" Then your conscience tells you: “Dude, there’s no way you can cough up the money for this overpriced blu-ray player. Maybe we should come back later, not like they’re going to run out of those, anyway.” You sigh and walk away.
  • You see a shelf full of Xbox-360s. Then you see the Microsoft logo on the box and run away.
  • You spot that very last Wii in the store. It s also the first one you see in months. You say to yourself: “WIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111” You say it out loud, actually. Then your conscience says: “Look at that poor Wii! It needs a home! Somewhere it will be loved! I wonder how much I can get for a lung on e-bay…”

As you can see, Nintendo is an evil corporation, and they’re making me spend money I don’t have. Oh, by the way, did I mention I got a Wii? WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111one

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